Funded by the EU Instrument for Pre- Accession (IPA 2013) Trust Fund and administered by the IBRD (World Bank), the Project relates to the second MIPD (IPA Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document 2011-2013) objective “further alignment with and implementation of acquis on the internal gas and electricity market”. Within this framework, MRC assisted the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey in a series of studies on the harmonization of electricity and natural gas laws following the adoption of the EU Third Energy Package.

MRC consulting services included activities to support legal, structural and administrative framework for properly functioning energy exchange operations; including alignment with Acquis by providing technical assistance on energy market development, improvement of spot and balancing power market activities, transparency, market surveillance and eligible customer operations; in terms of both structural and operative requirements on the internal electricity and gas markets. MRC services also covered demand side participation and management and market coupling with the EU markets.