The most critical issue KPLC is facing is to ensure that sufficient new capacity and network expansion are made available quickly to meet continuing rapid electricity demand growth. In the 2016-2021 period this is estimated to require US$ 1.5-3.0 billion in the distribution and transmission network (as well as to meet Government electricity access targets).
This assignment was therefore aimed to provide KPLC with a system to enhance its long-term financial planning and optimise funding resources – that allows the company to reach their access targets without compromising its financial sustainability.
The main activities of the MRC team were:

  • Analysis of the current Short-term Investment and Financing Strategy of KPLC. Focusing on investment planning processes and on the financial strategy present at the company.
  • Development of New Financial Model for KPLC. Design and development of a new financial modelling tool to strengthen KPLC’s business strategy and financial planning capabilities. The resulting tool will be the fruit of the close collaboration between MRC’s and KPLC’s teams to adequately capture the business characteristics.
  • Capacity Building. MRC experts always keep training and knowledge transfers as a key priority in our projects. In this case, training courses on financial modelling and financial planning for utilities was provided to KPLC staff in combination with hands-on work and case simulation in the financial tool itself.