Reda Essaid
Reda is a Libyan national with extensive experience in the oil & gas sector, focusing on the MENA region, having worked with both Exxon Mobil and the Libya National Oil Corporation.
During his time at ExxonMobil he was responsible for all communications and meetings with Libya government authorities, in particular the Ministry of Energy, National Oil Corporation (NOC), Ministry of Economy, Environment General Authority, Prime Minister, Libya Congress, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Libya Ambassadors in other countries. He led the team to negotiate with NOC a new Exploration & Production Sharing Agreement (EPSA) deal that ended by signing a new EPSA in late 2007.
During his time with the Libya National Oil Corporation, he was a core member of the NOC EPSA 4 Committee (2004-2006) which was fully responsible for Libya EPSA 4 Bid Rounds that awarded more than 40 US contracts to major IOCs.
Reda holds a Master of Energy & Environmental Management and Economics from the Scuola Superiore Enrico Mattei, Italy.
Reda is based in Cairo, Egypt.